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Faithfulness in the Unimpressive
“I wanted to do God’s work, let Him display Himself through my life, and change my world as much as possible every single day. Most days, that didn’t include anything other people would find impressive. It simply meant being faithful to the people and the responsibilities God had given me” – Kisses From Katie (Katie Davis).
On April 6, we are headed to Papua New Guinea to begin laying the foundation for years of future ministry in a tribe.
You’re still here?
Rejoice?! When our own plans don’t come to fruition? Yes! That is the supernatural power of God’s promises!
Undeserved Blessings
“When we get to heaven, I don’t think we will regret any of the sacrifices we made for Christ. If anything, I think we will wish we had made more.”
Hurry up and Wait
Many people may have expected us to wait until we arrived in California and got settled before we started the nitty gritty of paperwork for PNG, but that is not the ‘hurry up and wait’ mentality.
Last SINGLE update
This month Luke and I will be in Wisconsin spending time with my sending church.
Camp, travel, and MARRIAGE
I feel a little bit like God is just teleporting me to different areas where he could use me like He seemed to do with Philip
What’s Up in Wisconsin
This month Luke and I will be in Wisconsin spending time with my sending church.
Graduation + ENGAGEMENT
On Saturday, April 24th my boyfriend Luke PROPOSED in the midst of God’s beautiful creation at Yosemite National Park.
A Partner In Crime
I love Jessica Marie Long. I Love her so much that I want to make her Jessica Marie Thek.
You’re Calling on the wrong God
These words from the daughter of a Tagbanwa witch doctor had a lasting effect on her father.
19 Days of Training Left
We learned about water filtration, direct and alternating current, soldering, using a solar panel electrical system, lightning protection, transformers, converters, and more!
Happy New Year
Although I would have loved to hop on a plane and move overseas immediately, I can't imagine doing this task without first being trained.