Back in Camdenton, MO

My new roommates and I in front of our apartment at the training center

My new roommates and I in front of our apartment at the training center

"Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you.. My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me."
-Psalm 63:3;5;8

Lately the Lord has been teaching me that HE IS THE ONLY ONE WHO TRULY SATISFIES. Christ came that we may have ABUNDANT LIFE, not just when we get to heaven but in the midst of this messy, broken, sin-tainted world.

I can't look to other people, to my situations, my performance, or anywhere else for true and lasting satisfaction. The answer is found in rooting myself confidently in the truth of who He is, who I am in Him, and the promises he has made. I just have to take him at his word.

What has God taught you about abundant life? How have you experienced abundant life and freedom in Christ? What has God been teaching you lately?

Why Train for so Long?

It was the summer before my junior year at Missouri State University. I was sitting at a missions conference put on by my college campus ministry and they were presenting on unreached people groups. I learned that there are still many people in the world with no access to the gospel or God's word in their own language. God stirred in my heart a desire to be a part of reaching these people with the gospel I had accepted in my own life only a year previously.

Bible School (2 years)
After graduating from Missouri State, I went to Ethnos360 Bible Institute where I learned so much about God and His word and grew a ton! If I am going to be a part of translating scripture into another language, 2 years of Bible school now honestly sounds very minimal for this task.

Missionary training (2 years)
The next step is 2 years of training for church planting among unreached people groups from people who have experience doing this exact thing.

"You wouldn't want a surgeon whose only education was biology and anatomy classes in high school and college. No, you'd want someone who went to med school and was trained by other surgeons. If that's your standard for your own body, what do you think God would like for His body?"
--- Sean Richards, Church Planter in Papua New Guinea

Optional specialized training --- Linguistics, Tech, Greek, Medical

As much as I was ready and so eager to just hop on a plane and move across the world, every day of this training I now see as invaluable for the work God is calling me to.


Family and Friends

This summer I stayed with my family in Lake Lotawana, MO and I had a great time with them and friends. My parents and I went through a chronological Bible study together which was a blessing and great practice for me in teaching through it!

Papua New Guinea Week

I also had the blessing of visiting Waukesha, WI for a week where I got to help lead Papua New Guinea Week at my church's summer camp. I got to teach them about the culture of Papua New Guinea as well as all the unreached people groups there and what God is doing to bring Christ and His word to them! They were so fun to hangout with and I loved when they would say things like, "Wait, you're MOVING there?" and, "Will you come back and tell us about it!?"


I had the opportunity to speak at DaySpring Church and Preschool’s Summer Camp!


I got to teach the kids about the culture in Papua New Guinea and they tried coconut rice and fried plantains.

Simple Living

18 days in the Woods - September 18 to October 5

My class will be moving off grid for 18 days. We we will work in our training teams (small groups) to build shelters and live out there together while having classes as well. We are practicing living simply and without technology or electricity. It won't necessarily be like this in our ministry locations, but the purpose of this time is to grow in team work and conflict resolution skills while living without all the usual comforts we are used to.

We will be having a day where we will receive mail that is dropped to us from an airplane!
If you would like to send me a letter of encouragement you can mail it anytime between now and September 18th. ***note: letter mail only, no packages!
Send it to the following address:

ATTN: Jessica Long
4460 Airport Dr.
Bolivar, MO 65613


  • The new believers among the Wantakia, Pei, and Amdu people in Papua New Guinea!

  • A refreshing summer filled with family and friends

  • The amazing mentors and staff here at the training center

  • A huge new class of about 60 students here. God is raising up laborers!

  • A new apartment, my roommates, and improved health!


  • For my team as we prepare for simple living. Pray for the practical planning and also that God would prepare our hearts for how he will teach us how to be better teammates and co-workers who love and serve well

  • For future decisions regarding my life, training, and ministry

  • For the Lord to raise up more laborers

  • For Jesus to continue teaching me about walking in the abundant life and freedom I have in Him

How can I be praying for you?
You can let me know by shooting me a text or responding to this e-mail.

With love,


Fall Update


Year 1 of 2 Completed