Pray for Papua New Guinea

Fast Facts

178,704 square miles (0.3% of landmass on earth)
800+ languages (over 12% of the world’s languages)

Population: 8,084,999
Capital: Port Moresby
National Language: Tok Pisin
Currency: Kina

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Papua New Guinea is the most linguistically diverse country in the world. It has over 800 language groups, which is over 12% of the world’s total languages. Many of these people groups have never heard God’s Word in their language.

Prayer Requests


Pray for God to raise up more missionaries to go to Papua New Guinea.


Pray for the strengthening of tribal churches.

Pray believers would have a hunger to continue learning more about God’s Word and a desire to live it out in their daily lives.


Pray for God to be growing the believers’ hearts for outreach.

Pray believers would have a desire to reach out to the lost amongst their own village, in other villages within their language group, and even to the language groups surrounding them. There are several tribal churches that are currently partnering with Ethnos360 missionaries to reach another language group together!

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Pray for the unreached

Pray that God would be softening their hearts to hear and receive the good news of Jesus as their savior from sin and death.


Pray for missionaries who are in a spiritual battle.

Pray for physical, mental, and spiritual health. Pray for perseverance in daily life and ministry tasks and that they would keep the vision always before them of seeing a mature church established. Pray for team unity and a continued priority on keeping their family relationships strong throughout their ministry. Pray for protection against the enemy who would do anything he can to see missionaries come home for good.

If you’d like to pray more even more specifically for what God is doing in Papua New Guinea, you can follow Ethnos 360 (New Tribes Mission PNG) social media pages for current updates and prayer requests from missionaries all over Papua New Guinea.

“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord's people.”

—Ephesians 6:8